
INyT Welcome

Last modified: 27. November 2022

Dear Students and Visitors,

Welcome to the website of the Department of Foreign Languages! The Department of Foreign Languages is one of the largest departments at MATE and it bears a symbolic message: every university citizen is now a global citizen who must be able to communicate in his or her profession in English, in another or even in several foreign languages. Today, those who do not speak a foreign language will find themselves isolated, limited in their professional opportunities and in the recognition of their achievements.

The mission of the Department of Foreign Languages is to equip students with the foreign language skills they need to be confident in their careers, both in Hungary and abroad. One of the milestones on the road to achieving this goal is a successful language exam, therefore our slogan is: "Every student at MATE should obtain a foreign language certificate!"

As language learning is a lifelong endeavour, our specialised training programmes provide university citizens, students and teachers with advanced language skills which open up the world to them — and not just professionally. These skills allow them to explore other cultures, communicate with people from other countries, learn about different viewpoints and beliefs, as well as grow both professionally and personally. As the saying goes: “The more languages you speak, the more of a person you are!” We are here to help you achieve this goal, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity!

Dr. Klára Veresné Dr. habil Valentinyi
​​​​​​​Head of Department